Tuesday 10 March 2009

the plan

Having reached a certain age in life you get to a stage when you think its time for a change. You spend years doing jobs you dont enjoy to pay out vast sums just to keep a roof over your head. You think there has to be more to life than this. Its time to make your dreams come true.
The dream for my partner and I is to own a smallholding and build an eco friendly house. We want to live off the grid with no utility bills at all. Well just a phone bill, you need to keep in contact dont you. Oh and we also have to pay the council tax but you get the idea. A nice simple life style in touch with nature. So we have decided to move to orkney and build an earthship.
Whats an earthship? Well the thinking behind the earthship is a home thats totally self contained producing its own power, water and treating its own sewage. Why in orkney? Because we both like it there, its so wild and rugged yet still has plenty of facilities close by like the sports centre and shops.
Thats the thinking behind our plans. I intend to use this blog to follow our journey through from planning to building this earthship in orkney.